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What is Spirituality and why is it so important in today's world

Spirituality, in our opinion, is not difficult to comprehend. It essentially implies raising the vibratory level on which our consciousness dwells and matching that frequency with highly refined spiritual vibrations. We must seek out and elevate our consciousness so that we can comprehend reality through spiritual perception. We are able to enter the spiritual milieu surrounding us in this manner.

Modern man has been tremendously eager in his attempts to discover the world around him, but he has been almost equally reluctant in his attempts to discover the world within himself. This imbalance has resulted in a significant identity crisis; the modern man is unsure of his life's purpose.

The reasoning intellect cannot transform a person into a better human being on this planet. It may be beneficial in terms of worldly prosperity, but it is only through spirituality that a human being may develop attributes such as unconditional love, self-honesty, joy, humility, and modesty.

If you want to better understand yourself, spiritual lessons are the finest approach to do it. When you reach spirituality, you will be able to accomplish any goal in your life with ease. Spiritual lectures help and guide you in your daily life. Spiritual development or awareness aids in the discovery of your permanent happiness.

Understanding our sufferings and its medicine:

It's impossible to imagine the sun without the sunshine, the delicious without the sweet, and the fire without the light; similarly, a soul without desire is incomprehensible. We are pleasure-seekers – In Sanskrit - ananda mayo bhyasat – as souls and can never be desireless. We were initially spiritual world dwellers, but when we developed a longing to become God and pleasure like God, we were transported to this material world to satisfy our non-spiritual needs. In our world, we are constantly on the lookout for new ways to satisfy our numerous desires. We desperately hope that once all of our desires are realised, we will be filled with tremendous satisfaction. Unfortunately, this never occurs. You can ask this yourself.

Our needs are limitless; as soon as one is satisfied, another appears. Many times, our yearnings are motivated by societal pressure or a desire to prove our worth to others, rather than by basic requirements. My automobile should be larger than my neighbours', my smartphone should be the best, and my television set should make people go crazy, among other things. Today's advertisements are likewise designed to tickle our egos. Advertisements such as "Neighbors envy owners pride" or "Designed for envy" attempt to attract people to pursue material possessions. Many people believe that as they get older, their material greed decreases. In actuality, however, this does not occur. The shape of one's desires changes with age, but one's yearnings do not. Many people are so preoccupied with worldly things that they are willing to go to great lengths to obtain them.

People are hurting because they have forgotten their eternal bond with God. Reviving our God-consciousness, which offers long-term remedies to war, racism, inequality, and environmental abuse is the medicine for our material illness. Spirituality teaches that we are immortal spirit souls, children of the same Father, rather than these ephemeral material bodies. That all in creation belongs to the Creator, who provides for us all, and that by remembering Him and repaying in gratitude by loving acts of service, we can live in harmony with one another. Peace in the world starts with peace in our hearts, when we recognise our interconnectedness as one large family under God.

How can one achieve Spiritualism?

You must incorporate spirituality into all of your life decisions, both personal and professional. It helps you with whatever you do or do not do. Spiritualism is not a recreational hobby that you do in the mornings, evenings, or on weekends. You should incorporate it entirely into your life, just as you would clothing.

When we leave the house, we make certain that we are properly dressed for the entire day. We don't dress up only for special events in our lives. We always cover ourselves with clothing. And no one on this planet enjoys walking around naked.

However, the difficulty is where to find it in the world. On the internet as well as in offline stores, we have thousands of authentic WebPages, videos, and books dealing with the subject of spirituality. They teach us how to become greater spiritual beings on this planet. However, there are significant differences between actual training and theoretical learning. Because receiving counsel from a self-realized individual who has gained spiritual perfection will be more beneficial. That person is commonly referred to as a Guru/Spiritual Master. In our forthcoming blogs, we will discuss the attributes of a real Spiritual Master/Guru in greater detail. So, if we want to gather information on our own without proper guidance, there's a good probability we may deviate from the path of spirituality.

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