Scientists and physicists have given numerous pieces of advice and tips to control the mind. They partially, but not fully, succeed. Because it requires knowledge of how the mind works, and what is the best way to permanently control it, reforming the thoughts of the mind, is not a simple task. The Bhagavad Gita is the best manual one can use to understand this and succeed in it.
The correct way of controlling the mind:
The objective of the yoga system is to train the mind to become a friend, enabling it to assist us in achieving perfection in the human form of existence. Yoga practice is merely a waste of time if the mind is not under control. The majority of current "yogis" don't take the need for mind and sensory control seriously at all, so for them, practising yoga is just a waste of time.
One who is unable to regulate their mind always surrounds themselves with the worst opponent, ruining both their life and their objective. Every living thing's inborn tendency is to obey its superiors' commands, but as long as the mind is their unbeatable foe, they must obey the commands of lust, anger, greed, ignorance, etc. But if we can manage the mind and deliberately consent to obey the Personality of Godhead, who is already present in everyone's hearts as Supersoul, the mind will be subjugated.
The Paramatma (Supersoul) within the heart must be experienced in order to do authentic yoga. Perfect submission to the Lord's dictation occurs automatically for the devotees who embrace God consciousness and sincerely adhere to the process as it is.
The Way of the Bhagavad Gita:
In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna teaches that constant "practise and detachment" can be used to regulate one's mind (Bhagavad-gita 6.35). He says that because of the mind's flitting and wavering nature, we must bring it back under the authority of the Self whenever and wherever it wanders (Bhagavad-gita, 6.26).
The mind functions much like a young child, who is drawn to everything. It desires everything, yet not everything is beneficial to it. Some things can even be hazardous, so parents must discipline their children. Even though the child may cry and grow furious at times, the parent is committed to providing the greatest possible care, even if it first causes the child discomfort.
Similarly to this, our intelligence and spiritual nature must exert control over our minds. The mind is drawn to so many material things, and everywhere we turn, someone is telling us that we will be happy if we simply get this material thing or that, but this always turns out to be untrue.
Regardless of how much we receive, we are never content. Therefore, the mind needs to be trained, and with practice, we can learn to steer it clear of things that are bad for it. Detachment is important because, once we realise that true happiness does not come from possessions (material things) but rather from a loving relationship with God, we may stop being driven by materialistic cravings and learn to manage our minds.
What does it mean actually?
"Constant practise and detachment" are required. Another thing is, we must ultimately enhance our taste. Lord Krishna asserts: "The embodied soul may not be able to enjoy the senses, yet its preference for sense objects will always be present. But after giving up these pleasures after tasting something more divine, he/she becomes fixed in consciousness." (Bhagavad-gita 2:59).
We have made an effort to provide a summary of the ideal method as it is presented in the sacred text known as the Bhagavad Gita. We advise you to read The Bhagavad Gita extensively if you want to master this subject to the best of your ability.
The easiest form of devotional activity, which satisfies this higher taste, is reciting the Lord's holy Names: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare