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Cardio is defined as any movement that raises your heart rate over resting levels and boosts your body's demand for oxygen. Cardio usually (but not always) comprises repetitive activity that ranges in intensity from mild to moderate to high. Jogging, dancing, jumping rope, and biking are all good for you. However, cardio does not necessarily necessitate the use of gym equipment or clothing. Cardio is defined as any physical exercise that causes you to huff and puff (even a little) and requires extra oxygen.

Benefits of cardio:

  • When it comes to cardiovascular health, which includes the heart and blood cells, it's been proven that engaging in activities that raise your heart rate is the best approach to strengthen your heart. However, be cautious while pushing yourself to your physical limitations; you don't want to overwork yourself.
  • Many people dislike cardio exercise, irrespective of fitness level because the constant rapid movement makes it difficult to breathe. Many people forget that the heavy breathing that occurs during a rigorous workout session helps to increase lung capacity. As you push your efforts to the limit, cardio can help you improve your lung capacity.
  • Your body releases endorphins when you start your day with a thirty-minute cardio session. These "feel-good" hormones assist in increasing energy and last for hours after your workout is finished.
  • Many people choose cardiovascular exercise to get in shape since it encourages consistent calorie and fat burn while also helping them lose weight. Cardio exercise can help you lose weight, but only if you combine it with a nutritious diet and proper routine resistance training. However, you should continue to get your workouts in by doing a 30-minute workout five or more days a week.

Types of Cardio exercises:


Burpees are a full-body movement that efficiently raises your heart rate. Squat down and place your hands flat on the ground after starting in a standing position. Return to a push-up position by hopping your legs back. Do a push-up or you may lower your body to touch the ground and then return to a squat. Stand up and do it again.


Brisk walking strengthens the greatest muscle groups in your body (the glutes and other leg muscles). Walking must be done quickly enough to be considered moderate exercise (approximately three miles per hour).


One of the most popular cardio workouts is running. Some folks prefer to jog rather than run. Both activities are very similar; the only difference is that running is done at a faster pace.

High-Intensity Interval Training: 

This kind of training, often known as HIIT, includes alternating quick periods of exercise with short intervals of rest. For example, you can perform them in 30-second intervals—20 seconds of high-intensity training followed by 10 seconds of rest. You need to repeat the cycle for at least 10 minutes.

Jumping jacks: 

Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides to do a jumping jack. Jump up and spread your legs shoulder-width apart while lifting your arms above your head. Return your arms to your sides and jump again to bring your feet back together. This is considered one jumping jack.

Jump Rope: 

The rope is the only thing you'll need to jump rope. Hold one end of the rope in each hand and rotate it in a circle over your head in either a forward or backward manner. Jump over the rope as it approaches the ground, then repeat as the rope circles beneath you and over your head in a circular motion. You can practice jumping rope with the rope moving in one direction, then practice with the rope moving in the opposite direction to perfect your technique.

How to Exercise Safely to Avoid Injuries

Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have a past or preexisting health issue. Proper exercise technique is critical for ensuring the safety and success of an exercise program. but depending on your specific demands, you may need to alter each exercise to achieve the best results. Pay great attention to your body when doing any exercise, and stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort. Allow for proper recovery by resting for 24 to 48 hours before training the same muscle groups.

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