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Sometimes you grab a book to read and won’t be able to stop reading unless and until you reach the last page of it. ‘The Compound Effect’ tries to tell us that we can reap huge success if we work hard every day. Our consistency will make the compound effect work for us. Darren Hardy, the author of this book, advises us to stay away from cheap market gimmicks. In the year 2010, this book was released. As we all know nothing happens overnight but we tend to believe in those stuff at some point in our life. For example, when someone is overweight and is facing some medical issues, there is a chance that he/she will believe in an advertisement that says,” Enroll in our course to lose weight in 7 days”. Out desperation makes us fall for such cheap products. So, instead of waiting for the worst to come, it’s wise to take even tiny steps towards our betterment. 


The author has divided the entire book into 6 chapters. I am going to jot down the points I have learned from this book.

  • The compound effect works in every aspect whether it’s positive or negative. You can’t be obese overnight and you can’t also lose weight overnight. When we do the small activities regularly, it will show us the result eventually in the future. If you start investing a part of your money in your early 20s, you will get a significant amount of money in your retirement age.
  • We need to take responsibility for the choices we make daily. Luck also favors those who have made better choices than others and are prepared to grab the opportunities. According to the author getting lucky depends on a single formula: 'Preparation + Attitude + Opportunity + Action = Luck'.
  • We all have some positive and negative habits. Habits are those which are being followed by us for a long period of our lives. So, it’s not easy to build a new positive habit and it’s also not easy to stay away from a negative habit. But we can do it by following the habit we want to add to our life regularly. It’s not easy to change our entire diet in a day. But we take some small steps towards it by introducing some nutritious food into our diet. To build a habit, we need to follow the same thing for at least three weeks, and eventually, we can do it without putting in the extra effort.
  • The author tells that it’s not easy to be away from our comfort zone. Taking the 1st step is always difficult. But if we successfully take the 1st step, then momentum will take care of the rest. We just need to start doing the things we have always wanted to. It will demand some effort of yours, but it will be worth it.
  • In this book, the author suggests we surround ourselves with people with a positive mindset. Our surrounding is having a great impact on us. If we need to build a positive habit, meeting negative people is not going to help us. To be successful, we need to stay away from negative news also because what we are feeding into our minds, will have an impact on our lives.
  • We should always try to be extraordinary by putting in our extra efforts. People also notice them, who have something extra to offer. We need to find out what people expect from us and if we manage to exceed it, then we can be benefited from this. So, doing unexpected things is going to help us in a long run. 



Whether it's in income, business, health, relationships, or spirituality, the compound effect is always at work. It is also critical to proceed cautiously. We need to work every day and, if we don’t give up, the compound effect will give us the most momentum in a few years. I would like to rate this book 8.5 out of 10. I strongly advise everyone to read this book, who wants to achieve success in life, whether it's in terms of health, relationships, or wealth. 


Happy Reading!!

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