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Does one have to give up his family life and everything to progress in spirituality?

There are numerous misconceptions about spirituality, the most frequent of which is "Leave everything for spirituality." So, in order to develop spiritually, do we have to give up everything, including our family, material pleasures, food, money, home, and everything else? It is not the fault of any individual who thinks in this manner; rather, this has been portrayed in society in such a way that one is forced to think about it at least once before entering the realm of spirituality. So, let us clear up this misunderstanding.

Is it necessary to give up one's material existence to progress in spirituality, even if one does not become a brahmachari?

No, it is not about giving up our material lives; rather, it is about merging and harmonising our material and spiritual lives. So the most important thing is to acknowledge that our ultimate objective in life is GOD because the spirituality process exists to bring us closer to GOD. So, how can we get closer to GOD? By making a commitment to him. And, on some level, committing to GOD means devoting a significant amount of time to direct devotional practises. There is scripture study, devotee interaction, chanting of the holy names, and pilgrimage, but it also includes spiritualizing our material lives.

So, in some places, immature devotees may convey the impression that being a devotee implies giving up material life, but spirituality is based on the example and teachings of the ethics, personality, a positive mindset in any situation, consistency, and ultimately feeling the eternal happiness by connecting ourselves with GOD. Let's take the most sacred holy book Bhagavad Gita and the example in it is that of Arjuna. Arjuna did not reject his mundane existence, but rather spiritualized it. Whatever spiritual understanding, spiritual insights, or spiritual impressions we get from direct devotional practises are stored in our hearts and then used to instil spiritual causes and spiritual purpose in our daily life. For example, if someone is a student, he should not abandon his studies.

GOD makes no unreasonable suggestions:

In Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that he does not need to give up his vocation, but that he should remember Him (GOD) while doing so. If a person does not practise remembering GOD while battling for survival, he will not be able to remember GOD once he dies.

This is also suggested by Lord Caitanya, GOD's avatar during the Kali era. He encourages always practising remembering the Lord by chanting the Lord's names. The names of the Lord and the Lord are identical. So Lord Krishna's command to Arjuna to "remember Me" and Lord Caitanya's command to continually "repeat the names of Lord Krishna" are the same. There is no distinction because GOD and GOD's names are indistinguishable.

Remembering GOD while working:

As a result, we must practise remembering GOD constantly, twenty-four hours a day, by reciting His names and shaping our lives in such a way that we can remember Him continuously.

What makes this possible? The acharyas provided the following example. If a married woman is attached to another man, or if a man is attached to a woman other than his wife, the bond is extremely strong. A person who has such a connection is always thinking of the loved one. The wife who is thinking about her lover is always thinking about meeting him, even when she is doing her housework. In fact, she does her housework even more meticulously so that her husband does not suspect her attachment.

In the same way that a married woman who is attached to another guy continuously remembers her boyfriend while completing her duties in her husband's house, we should constantly remember the supreme lover, GOD, while executing our worldly obligations in a very pleasant manner. In this case, a strong sense of affection is required. We can fulfil our duties while remembering the Supreme Lord if we have a deep sense of love for Him. But we must cultivate that love for GOD.

Arjuna, for example, was always thinking of Krishna; he was Krishna's constant companion while also being a warrior. Arjuna was not advised by Krishna to go to the jungle and meditate. When Lord Krishna explains the meditational yoga system to Arjuna, he argues that he will not be able to perform it.

Deep understanding:

We understand what Sri Krishna means when he says in the Bhagavad Gita: Karmana cha abhyar tha...- worship me via your work. So we study and excel in our academics for GOD's sake, and he is satisfied regardless of whether we succeed or do not excel since Krishna (GOD) sees the effort and not the product. Working solely for GOD's pleasure may bring us great joy. And that satisfaction and fulfilment are lacking for individuals who work solely for worldly wealth or celebrity. Beyond that, we must know that GOD is our biggest supporter and that he is our ultimate aim in everything we do.

So, if I have a family and take care of my family responsibilities, I do so with the idea that these are not just my family members, but all valuable portions of GOD who have been entrusted in a relationship with me. So, by serving them and taking responsibility for them, I am getting closer to GOD, and we shall all be able to spiritualize our actions as a result. Now, it may appear that a devotee is giving up his material life because a devotee may forego many of the frivolous activities that are common in today's material existence.

A devotee, for example, may not spend time engaging in ideal gossip, chit-chat, watching TV, reading newspapers, attending mundane parties, and so forth. We do not have to associate material existence with today's ordinary material life. What we consider fashionable or hip today was not the case 50 or 100 years ago, and it remains so in many places of the world today. Material habits can harm or destroy our relationship with GOD. As a result, there are some ground restrictions, such as no eating meat, gambling, drinking, or having unlawful sex. As a result, engaging in these activities undermines our relationship with GOD, and devotees leave them.

Those who engage in these activities may believe that a devotee is giving up material life itself, but the idea is that the devotee is not giving up material life, but rather a specific conception of material life that has become common today. As a result, a devotee can live a dignified and practical material existence, complete with a family and a career. And he can pursue familial and professional responsibilities with zeal but does not necessarily conforming to today's notion of what it takes to be successful.

So devotees can be performers in their profession, even successful in terms of productivity and competence, but they don't have to adhere to all that goes on in the name of being fashionable. And this does not imply abandoning material life.


In the name of devotion, we should not overlook or avoid our material responsibilities. That is renunciation in the style of passion or ignorance, and it does not lead to spiritual growth. So, if some of us have done this, we should realise that it is not the appropriate model to follow, and we should look at those devotees or spiritually advanced people who have a healthy balance between their material and spiritual lives, and we should follow their examples so that we can advance steadily in our spiritual life. As a result, becoming a devotee or growing in spirituality does not require us to give up our earthly lives. Certain ideas about what it means to be a material being may have to be abandoned.

Devotees live their practical lives according to GOD's terms. They carry out their familial, professional, and other responsibilities with diligence and competence, but they do so within the framework of "Bhakti" or "Love for GOD".

We hope that this description of ours relieves any concerns you may have. If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments section below. Thanks a lot.

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