Origin of Surya Namaskar:(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
The Rishis of ancient India believed that distinct devas, or celestial impulses, are in charge of managing the various parts of our body. The solar plexus, which is located behind the navel, is the center of our bodies. The solar plexus, which is connected to the sun, is also referred to as the second brain of the body. The Rishis claim that frequent Surya Namaskar practice can strengthen these solar plexuses, increasing a person's capacity for creativity and intelligence.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar:(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
This potent yoga pose, known as Surya Namaskar, is believed to activate every system in the body, including the heart, intestines, stomach, liver, throat, chest, and muscles. Other health advantages of Surya Namaskar, often known as the Sun Salutation, include:
- Increases endurance and muscle strength.
- Helps to build a strong upper body.
- Prevents cardiovascular disease.
- Improves flexibility in both men and women by revitalizing the nervous system.
- Enhances immunity.
- Increases physical fitness and overall health.
Surya Namaskar for Weight Loss:(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
Surya Namaskar is a highly effective exercise for controlling weight, according to a study. Both men and women can benefit from Surya Namaskar's muscle-strengthening, lower body toning, and strength-building effects, especially on the back and abdominal muscles.
Sometimes, consuming medications, adhering to rigid diets, and lifting weights at the gym may seriously harm the body. In order to target our body's muscles and achieve a healthy Body Mass Index, many yoga asanas have been devised (BMI). Following frequent Surya Namaskar practice, many people have lost weight. Surya Namaskar can burn about 156 calories when performed for about 12 rounds.
Surya Namaskar for the Mind:(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
It has been shown that performing Surya Namaskar asana helps to improve cognitive abilities while calming the mind. Chants in each pose of the Sun Salutation can aid in achieving the ideal harmony between the body, the breath, and the mind. In order to achieve complete serenity of mind and soul, chanting mantras while engaging in asanas can enhance spirituality and foster a strong sense of gratitude for life. While executing the asanas, you can repeat the mantras out loud or in your thoughts, or you can listen to them on a device.
Types of Surya Namaskar:
Surya Namaskar has changed throughout the years, and its poses now come in a variety of forms and variations. Furthermore, this is one yoga kriya that has only become stronger with time. Surya Namaskar is actually included in many different forms of yoga practices. In the next section, let's explore these:
1. Ashtanga Surya Namaskar:
The Ashtanga Surya Namaskar sequence includes Type A and Type B sun salutations. Type A consists of nine vinyasas, whereas Type B consists of seventeen vinyasas.
2. Hatha Surya Namaskar:
It is accomplished using the 12 spinal positions, which heavily emphasize breathing. One of the most popular and perhaps the simplest Surya Namaskar variations is this one.
3. Iyengar Surya Namaskar:
Similar to the Hatha practice, Iyengar Surya Namaskar is performed at a faster tempo than other Surya Namaskar varieties. Here, however, the emphasis is slightly more on pace and energy.
Steps to Perform Surya Namaskar:
Let's take some time to explore the 12 classical Hatha Surya Namaskar poses in this segment.
1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- You can perform the first pose of the Surya Namaskar asana by standing straight on your yoga mat and putting your feet close together.
- Let your shoulders unwind as you take a deep breath in and feel your chest expand.
- Take a deep breath in, raise your arms to your sides, and on your exhalation, join your palms together in the Namaste position in front of your chest. This is Pranamasana.
Benefits of Pranamasana:
- This pose aids in restoring the body's balance while calming the nervous system.
- Additionally, it assists in easing tension and stress.
2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose):
(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- To begin Hasta Uttanasana, take a deep breath out.
- Then take a deep breath and extend your arms forward and up over your head.
- Look up, and then lean back a little by pressing your pelvis forward.
- Exhale. (Pay attention to your breathing; as you arch backward, inhale, and as you bend forward, exhale.)
Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana:
- Stretches and tones the abdominal muscles.
- Helps in digestion.
3. Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- After exhaling, bend forward until your fingertips are in contact with your toes. If necessary, you can initially bend your knees.
- Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and your spine straight.
- While softly pressing into your heels, try to make contact with the floor with your fingertips.
- While rising again, take a breath.
Benefits of Hasta Padasana:
- The spine is stretched and made flexible by it.
- The muscles in the knees, shoulders, and arms are also opened up, as well as the hamstrings.
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- After completing Hasta Padasana, stoop and position your palms parallel to your feet on the floor.
- Take a deep breath in and stretch your right leg back, bringing your left knee to the left side of your chest.
- Lift your head upward while keeping your body in alignment.
Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana:
- Strengthens the spine and muscles of the legs.
- Indigestion and constipation are relieved.
5. Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- From Ashwa Sanchalanasana, exhale and pull your right leg back toward your left leg.
- Keeping your torso parallel to the ground, maintain your hands under your shoulders.
- From head to toe, your body needs to be in a straight line. Continually take deep breaths to maintain equilibrium.
Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana:
- Relaxes the mind while stretching the arms, chest, shoulders, and back.
- This position also helps with posture.
6. Ashtanga Namaskar (Eight-Limbed Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- It is also known as an eight-part or point salutation.
- Exhale and lower your knees to the floor to achieve this position.
- Lift your hips a little bit while placing your chin on the floor. Your hands, knees, chin, and chest should all be touching the floor, but your back should be up in the air.
- As long as breathing is comfortable, maintain the position.
Benefits of Ashtanga Namaskar:
- Stretches the back and spine and improves flexibility.
- Reduces tension while building muscle.
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- Keep your hands and feet in their proper places and inhale.
- Move forward while raising a cobra-like chest.
- Keep your elbows bent while rolling your shoulders back and squeezing them toward one another.
- Lookup slowly.
Benefits of Bhujangasana:
- Stretches the spine, chest, shoulders, and back.
- Improves mood and flexibility.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- With your back to the ceiling, lie down while releasing your chest from the Bhujangasana.
- Form an inverted "V" with your hips by exhaling and lifting them slightly.
- Try to keep your heels on the ground while extending your elbows and knees straight.
- Extend your stretch as you inhale and exhale.
Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana:
- Soothes the nerves and improves blood flow.
- Reduces tension while enhancing arm and leg strength.
- This yoga pose helps ladies who are menopausal.
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- Bring your right foot forward as you come out of the Adho Mukha Svanasana.
- As you place your feet on the mat with your left leg extended behind you, slowly glance forward.
- To extend the stretch even farther, gently push your hips toward the floor.
Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana:
- Strengthens the spine and muscles of the legs.
- Indigestion and constipation are relieved.
10. Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- Move your left foot in the direction of your right foot as you inhale.
- Bend your body while keeping the position of your hands while you slowly exhale and make contact with the ground with your fingertips.
Benefits of Hasta Padasana:
- The spine is stretched and made flexible by it.
- The muscles in the knees, shoulders, and arms are also opened up, as well as the hamstrings.
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- Inhale deeply, then raise your upper body.
- Then, join the palms of both of your hands and elevate them upward. Backbend to lengthen your spine.
Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana:
- Stretches and tones the abdominal muscles.
- Helps in digestion.
12. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose):(Image Credit: iStock Photos)
- Observe that we completed a circle out of these 12 poses as we return to our starting point.
- Exhale as you stand straight and allow your body to relax, as recommended in the first step.
- Bring your arms to your chest and perform a Namaste.
Benefits of Pranamasana:
- This pose aids in restoring the body's balance while calming the nervous system.
- Additionally, it assists in easing tension and stress.
Surya Namaskar is among the simplest ways to keep your body and mind active while also treating a number of illnesses and physical discomforts. You can reach your long-term health objectives with the help of these Surya Namaskar steps.
To maximize the advantages of Surya Namaskar, follow these 12 steps for 12 cycles. If this seems like too much at first, split it up into smaller cycles.
There are many physical advantages of the Surya Namaskar. By coordinating with your breath, this 12-posture yoga kriya lubricates every joint in your body, improving both your physical and emotional wellness. Surya Namaskar has so many advantages that not only help you uncover who you are but also keep your body fit and healthy from the inside out.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided solely for educational reasons and is not intended to replace the medical treatment provided by a healthcare professional. Because each person's needs are different, the reader should check with their doctor to see if the information is appropriate for them.